Words for the day

Thought it might be fun to have a word of the day on here. Fun, unusual or quirky words. Even ones that are just fun to say. Whenever you find something cool you can post it here.

Came a ross this one today, has some amusing definitions ive never encountered before

lubricious /luːˈbrɪʃəs/ I. adjective

  1. offensively displaying or intended to arouse sexual desire. • he probed the ladies for every lubricious detail of their interactions.
  2. smooth and slippery with oil or a similar substance.

II. derivatives 1. lubriciously adverb 2. lubricity /luːˈbrɪsɪti / noun –
origin late 16th cent.: from Latin lubricus ‘slippery’ + -ious.


garrulous /ˈɡar(j)ʊləs/ I. adjective

excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters • a garrulous cab driver.

II. derivatives 1. garrulously /ˈɡar(j)ʊləsli / adverb 2. garrulousness /ˈɡar(j)ʊləsnəs /
noun – origin early 17th cent.: from Latin garrulus (from garrire ‘to chatter, prattle’)


One of my favourite words, not just nice to say but also has a lovely meaning

lambent /ˈlamb(ə)nt/ I. adjective

‹literary› (of light or fire) glowing, gleaming, or flickering with a soft radiance. • the magical, lambent light of the north. • his eyes were huge and lambent in his starved face.

II. derivatives 1. lambency /ˈlamb(ə)nsi / noun 2. lambently adverb – origin mid 17th cent.: from Latin lambent- ‘licking’, from the verb lambere.


Ooh - this is a new one on me. Delightful word, I shall try and use it in some context tomorrow :thinking:

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/ˌpəːspɪˈkasɪti/ noun

the quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness.

“the perspicacity of her remarks”


felicity /fɪˈlɪsɪti/ I. noun — [ mass noun]

  1. intense happiness • domestic felicity.

  2. the ability to find appropriate expression for one’s thoughts • he exposed the kernel of the matter with his customary elegance and felicity.

  3. [ count noun] — a particularly effective feature of a work of literature or art • a book full of minor felicities.

– origin late Middle English: from Old French felicite, from Latin felicitas, from felix, felic- ‘happy’.


lucent /ˈluːs(ə)nt/ I. adjective ‹literary›

glowing with or giving off light • the moon was lucent in the background

. II. derivatives lucency noun – origin late Middle English: from Latin lucent- ‘shining’, from the verb lucere (see lucid).


retiform /ˈriːtɪfɔːm, ˈrɛtɪfɔːm/ I. adjective ‹rare›


– origin late 17th cent.: from Latin rete ‘net’ + -iform.

saturnine /ˈsatənʌɪn/ I. adjective

  1. (of a person or their manner) gloomy • a saturnine temperament.

  2. (of a person or their features) dark in colouring and moody or mysterious • his saturnine face and dark, watchful eyes.

  3. ‹archaic› relating to lead.

II. derivatives saturninely adverb – origin late Middle English (as a term in astrology): from Old French saturnin, from medieval Latin Saturninus ‘of Saturn’ (identified with lead by the alchemists and associated with slowness and gloom by astrologers).


panoply /ˈpanəpli/ I. noun

  1. an extensive or impressive collection • a deliciously inventive panoply of insults.

  2. a splendid display • I leaned forward to take in the full panoply of tourist London.

  3. ‹historical› ‹literary› a complete suit of armour.

II. derivatives panoplied /ˈpanəplɪd / adjective – origin late 16th cent. (in the sense ‘complete protection for spiritual warfare’, often with biblical allusion to Eph. 6:11, 13): from French panoplie or modern Latin panoplia ‘full armour’, from Greek, from pan ‘all’ + hopla ‘arms’.


Ooh, I like that - rolls off the tongue well!

Big ones, small ones,
ones that rotate, ones that vibrate,
bumpy ones, smooth ones,
Ones for inside, ones for outside
A true panoply of Sex Toys!


ignominious /ˌɪɡnəˈmɪnɪəs/ I. adjective

deserving or causing public disgrace or shame • no other party risked ignominious defeat.

II. derivatives 1. ignominiously /ɪɡnəˈmɪnɪəsli / adverb 2. ignominiousness noun – origin late Middle English: from French ignominieux, or Latin ignominiosus, from ignominia (see ignominy).

(I just liked the sound of this one today. Slips of the tongue nicely)


Ooh, this is a nice one too

atavistic /ˌatəˈvɪstɪk/ I. adjective

relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral • atavistic fears and instincts.

II. derivatives 1. atavism /ˈatəvɪz(ə)m / noun 2. atavistically adverb – origin late 19th cent.: based on Latin atavus ‘forefather’ + the adjectival suffix -istic. ataxia /əˈtaksɪə / ataxy /əˈtaksi/


That is a great word that even sounds erotic.!!

Not one thats easy to youse, or infact say, but it has a very interesting meaning

inchoate /ɪnˈkəʊeɪt, ˈɪnkəʊeɪt, ɪnˈkəʊət/ I. adjective

  1. just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary • a still inchoate democracy.

  2. confused or incoherent • inchoate proletarian protest.

  3. [Law] (of an offence, such as incitement or conspiracy) anticipating or preparatory to a further criminal act.

II. derivatives 1. inchoately adverb 2. inchoateness noun – origin mid 16th cent.: from Latin inchoatus, past participle of inchoare, variant of incohare ‘begin’.

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Ok, two today. But this appealed to me so im jamming it up. I always love the sound of the way it flows off the tounge

soliloquy /səˈlɪləkwi/ I. noun

  1. an act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play. • Edmund ends the scene as he had begun it, with a soliloquy. • [ mass noun] he did most of his thinking by soliloquy.

  2. a part of a play involving a soliloquy. • in the opening soliloquy he declares his true intent.

II. derivatives 1. soliloquist /səˈlɪləkwɪst / noun 2. soliloquize /səˈlɪləkwʌɪz / soliloquise verb – origin Middle English: from late Latin soliloquium, from Latin solus ‘alone’ + loqui ‘speak’.


Never seen this used as an adjective before. Quite an interesting way to describe something

mordant /ˈmɔːd(ə)nt/

I. adjective (especially of humour) having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting • a mordant sense of humour.

II. noun

  1. a substance, typically an inorganic oxide, that combines with a dye or stain and thereby fixes it in a material.

  2. an adhesive compound for fixing gold leaf.

  3. a corrosive liquid used to etch the lines on a printing plate.

III. verb — [with obj.]

  1. impregnate or treat (a fabric) with a mordant. • mordanting a fibre is simple. • (as adj. mordanted) mordanted wool. IV. derivatives 1. mordancy

noun 2. mordantly /ˈmɔːd(ə)ntli / adverb –

origin late 15th cent.: from French, present participle of mordre ‘to bite’, from Latin mordere.


I think the mor refers to killing .
I was aware of a mordant solution being acid like.
Mor as in Mortuary.
Nitro Mors paint stripper literally means death to paint.

Mordants can also be alkaline. alkaline dyes are used for dyeing plant matter as acid dyes wont bind to them. The classic mordant used for natural dyeing (eg. With plants or similar as the dye agent) is alum though, which is acidic.

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Every day is a school day.:smile: