Hi! I'm Ian_Chimp 🙂

Hello world!

I’m @Ian_Chimp, your friendly forum moderator. :slightly_smiling_face:

I thought I’d throw in a little intro just in case anybody has found this place and is curious about it. We’re in a bit of a limbo state at the moment where we’re currently live and fully working (and accepting sign-ups), but not publicised or promoted anywhere - so, realistically, I’m not really expecting anyone to find us just yet. :slightly_smiling_face:

So, before I start adding content proper (and then appearing in search results), I thought I’d spend this quiet time sorting out the backstage stuff, and researching different bits and bobs that might be useful later. :+1: As such, the forum may look a bit empty on the face of it right now, but it should make everything much smoother when people do arrive. :slightly_smiling_face:

I feel a little silly talking to nobody, so I’ll leave it there for now, but I’ll try and add more updates as I go. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Hi @Ian_Chimp :wave:
Welcome to your forum!

…just so you’re no longer talking to yourself!


Haha yes hi @Ian_Chimp, one alone is weird, two is just fine, but three… three is a whole heap of fun :smile:


Thanks guys. :slightly_smiling_face: (and thanks @Silky for the Like :heart::slightly_smiling_face:)

Once you’ve all settled in a bit, we can update the ‘welcome’ blurb and declare us more officially open. :slightly_smiling_face::partying_face::balloon: I think this could be a lot of fun. :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh yes! Looking forward to it :smiley:

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Hello and welcome @Silky :slightly_smiling_face:

Hiya @Ian_Chimp what a pleasure to meet you virtually on you new website, congrats buddy :+1:

Now wondering whether you’re the brains behind another forum that’s had a refurb I love :thinking:

Great to be here and look forward to seeing this place flourish :+1::kissing_heart:

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Hello and welcome @AlysssViews :slightly_smiling_face:

No, this is my only one so far. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi everyone this all sounds interesting! :grinning:


Hello and welcome @wildflower :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you @Ian_Chimp :blush:

I hope you like it. :slightly_smiling_face: Have a good look around and let us know what you think.

There’s lot to play/familiarise yourself with, and loads of things to weigh in on if you have any thoughts, but you can also just dive in and start creating topics whenever you’re ready. :slightly_smiling_face::+1: I’m going to update the Welcome blurbs once we’re all a bit more comfortable, and hopefully that will make it feel less like a building site. :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice work @Ian_Chimp. I hope I can add something about writing for sex blogs and all the back end stuff. My own blog has been a hell of a learning curve. And I thought sex blogging was all about writing sexy stuff!


Hello and welcome @KinkyMira :slightly_smiling_face:

That sounds like it’d be really useful. :+1: I’ve blown my mind a bit with the server side stuff for here, but it’s been a lot of fun (even though it has felt a lot like school at times :slightly_smiling_face:). Hopefully I can pick up some tips.

I think anything that can help people realise their erotic fiction/sex blog aspirations would be perfect for here. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


@Ian_Chimp I’m lucky I married a techie. So all I had to contend with was choices, and a lot of swearing from the sidelines. I did learn a lot though, and I can always ask him if I don’t know something.


I married an illustrator. :slightly_frowning_face: But at least we got a logo. :slightly_smiling_face:

Depending what flavour of techie he is, there’s a huge amount of scope for adding/creating extra bits and bobs for discourse forums. Frankly, I’ve hardly scratched the surface of it all. Though, that sounds a little forward now I read it back. :slightly_smiling_face: There’s no pressure for anyone to contribute anything, but there are lots of opportunities to get involved in all aspects of the site if anyone wants to. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


@Ian_Chimp I’ll ask him. He might get involved a bit. He’s busy, but likes to help with sexy stuff, so this place is right up his street. He’s silent in forums, but does like a nice read and a nice erotic story.
As for me, as well as the advice, I can do stuff too.


Say no more’, seriously impressive it is :blush: is

Anyways I was just checking out the welcome page with rules etc and wondered whether we are allowed to link any of our other platforms in our bios? Just wondering after something I read within the write up :pensive:

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Hiya everyone, so happy to be here, was going to shout out everyone individually but there’s a fair few people have already so I’ll go with , **hiya to all, looking forward to reading people’s stories n so on ** xxx


Hello and welcome @AlysssViews :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m afraid you can’t put your other social media in your bio. We have the same ‘no sharing contacts details’ as Lovehoney, so people can’t nip on here and sidestep those rules. :slightly_smiling_face:

Until we thrash out our official rules we’re working loosely to the Lovehoney Forum ones that we all already know. There are a couple of obvious exceptions like the Erotic Fiction, but until the FlickLit rules are up proper, sticking to the Lovehoney ones will be best. :+1: